Intergenerational co-production to increase physical activity and social connectivity for health in the GOALD project

Anna C. Whittaker1, Simone A. Tomaz1, Hannah Bradwell2, John Ritchie1, Katie Edwards2, Leonie Cooper2, Catherine Hennessy1, Ray Jones2, Richard Haynes1, Gemma C. Ryde3, Pete Coffee4,on behalf of the GOALD Research Team1, the GOALD Advisory Group2 1University of Stirling, UK 2University of Plymouth, UK 3University of Glasgow, UK 4Heriot Watt University, UK; Purpose The Generating […]
GOALD | Staff perceptions towards virtual reality- motivated treadmill exercise for care home residents

The use of VR-motivated exercise holds the potential to increase exercise, encourage reminiscence and promote meaningful activity for care home residents. Staff concerns resulted in a redesigned seated treadmill for those too frail to use the standing version. This novel study demonstrates the importance of stakeholder feedback in product design.
Operationalizing Transformative Tourism: Creating Dementia-Friendly Outdoor and Nature-Based Visitor Experiences

Through interviews and audits of UK outdoor settings, the study identifies essential changes for creating more inclusive and accessible experiences. Highlighting the importance of environment design and community involvement, this resource offers practical insights for businesses eager to become dementia-friendly, contributing significantly to the broader narrative of healthy ageing and inclusive tourism.
Provision of Outdoor Nature-Based Activity for Older People with Cognitive Impairment: A Scoping Review from the ENLIVEN Project

The ENLIVEN project aims to promote access by gathering evidence and co-producing guidance for activity providers. As part of this project, ENLIVEN conducted a scoping review to characterise the types of outdoor nature-based activity for older people with dementia and other forms of cognitive impairment for which research evidence is available and the range of […]
DesCHA | Housing Design Evaluation Research for People Living with Cognitive Change: A Systematic Literature Review

Research suggests that improvements to home design may enable us to live better with cognitive change as we age.
Healthy Ageing in Place: Climate Resilient Age-Friendly Cities And Communities

Climate change, together with an ageing population, has implications for cities and communities throughout the UK. The aim of the workshop was to identify the priorities and challenges for delivering climate resilient Age-Friendly Cities and Communities
The Ripple Framework: a co-design platform (a thousand tiny methodologies)

The framework was developed to allow scenario planning for undertaking co-design with care homes during the Covid-19 lockdowns in the UK.
Healthier Working Lives | Care sector Workforce Planning: Trends, challenges and opportunities

This briefing provides insights and analysis of the Scottish residential care workforce and how you can help.
Connecting Through Culture: Research digest Older people – culture, community, connection

Connecting through culture as we age is a co-produced research project that explores how and why we take part in arts and culture as we get older. The aim of the project is to increase participation in social, digital and cultural life and to improve the quality of life for older populations, particularly those that […]
Supporting Healthy Ageing at Work Final Report

Healthier Working Lives: “A quest to improve care through a collective voice”

Healthy Ageing in Place | Healthy Ageing in a Changing Climate