How Co-Production is Reshaping Ageing Research 

Exploring the Power of Co-Production in Ageing Research   The Social Behavioural & Design Research Programme (SBDRP) has demonstrated the power of co-production in its approach to research and innovation. The programme has effectively harnessed collaborative efforts between researchers, older people, and businesses, yielding outcomes that resonate with communities.  What is Co-Production?  It’s a practice of […]

Healthy Ageing 2023 Round-Up

The Healthy Ageing Conference 2023 at The Oval was a landmark event, with two action-packed days filled with insightful discussions, innovative projects, and forward-looking research. The SBDRP is proud to have been at the heart of this gathering, highlighting the crucial work being done across various facets of healthy ageing. Day One: State of Ageing […]

GOALD Research Festival: Bridging the Digital Divide for Older Generations

Goald Research Festival taking place -

The SBDRP team was thrilled to attend the GOALD Research Festival at the Stirling Court Hotel on the University of Stirling campus. This enlightening event brought together participants, academics, and partners from the GOALD (Generating Older Active Lives Digitally) project, a pioneering initiative aimed at enhancing the quality of life for older individuals through digital […]

Discussing Women’s Health at Work: New Insights from Belinda Steffan of the SHAW Project

We’re excited to share that Belinda Steffan, Research Fellow in psycho-social aspects of women’s health at The University of Edinburgh and a project member of the Supporting Healthy Ageing at Work project (SHAW), has recently published an article in The Conversation. The article, titled “Why it’s good to talk about women’s health at work, according […]

!!! We’re Hiring !!!

Website and Social Media Co-ordinator Social Behavioural and Design Research Programme (SBDRP)Faculty of Social Sciences  Full time or Part time hours available (70%FTE – 100%FTE)   Based at the University of Stirling Campus (withoption of hybrid working) Grade 6: £29,605 – £36,024 p.a. pro-rata Fixed term until 31 March 2024 This is an exciting opportunity […]

Connecting through Culture Launch Prototype Teams

In Partnership with Pervasive Media Studio, Connecting through Culture are excited to announce the launch of their prototype teams! Six teams were funded, involved in the Connecting through Culture co-design process, to prototype their own digital social/cultural projects over the next few months. To find out more about the prototype teams please click here.

CAG 2022

Attending the Canadian Association on Gerontology 51st Annual Scientific and Education Conference On Tuesday 18th October, 12 Early Career Researchers (ECRs) representing projects within the Healthy Ageing Challenge: Social, Behavioural, and Design Research Programme, travelled to Regina, Saskatchewan in Canada for the Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG) 51st Annual Scientific and Education Conference. Professor Judith […]

Healthy Ageing Conference 15-16 November 2021 – Recordings are now live

Reflective of the wide breadth of areas covered by the Healthy Ageing domain itself, the Healthy Ageing 2021 conference was designed to inspire debate and discussion across a wide number of important topics, ensuring there was something of value and interest for all. Recordings | The Community of Practice (

GOALD news: Road Shows

Lady wearing VR headset in garden

Plymouth based researchers Katie and Hannah have now finished their roadshows at care homes participating in GOALD across the South West. In total they visited six homes to get feedback from staff on the suitability and feasibility of residents using the ROVR Wizdish VR treadmill and headset.  Immersive content has also been developed by the Eden project and is […]

King and Queen of Sweden visit the University of Stirling’s dementia centre

Swedish Royals and Lord-Lieutenant of Stirling and Falkirk in uniform walking towards camera

The King and Queen of Sweden paid a royal visit to the University of Stirling today to learn about its world-leading dementia research. His Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf and Her Majesty Queen Silvia were greeted by Alan Simpson OBE, Lord-Lieutenant of Stirling and Falkirk, and the University’s Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir Gerry McCormac, […]